proven way to make savings

Company Profile

The history of aSourcing goes far beyond the moment the company was established as a legal entity. The company's founders are seasoned ERP system specialists who have implemented a number of different procurement solutions at multiple Fortune 500 companies from all over Europe. It is this experience and know-how which became the driving force that would compel them to create a company that would provide high quality services in information technologies targeted mainly to the procurement industry.

In addition to providing products for complex Sourcing activities, along with technical level of expertise, we can also consult at the business level, helping companies uncover new opportunities for savings using our internal spending management methodologies. This mainly includes strategic sourcing activities as well redefining and refining existing procurement processes in order to streamline a company's spending.

Company Company Details:

aSourcing s.r.o.
Office: Atrium House
V Olšinách 2300/75, 100 97 Praha 10
Czech Republic
IČO: 28401026
tel: +420 602 372 458
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